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Barbara Cserép

Cserép Barbara
PhD student
Assistant Research Fellow
cserep.barbara [at]
ELTE TTK FFI, Room No. 508
Place and date of birth
Budapest, 1994
2021: MSc in Geology, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science
2017: BSc in Earth Science, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science
2019-: MTA-ELTE Volcanology Research Group, researcher
Language knowledge
english, intermediate proficiency
japan, conversational proficiency
Main fields of research
petrology, magmatic geochemistry, petrogenesis, Si-rich volcanic rocks, amphibole
Research projects

2020-2024: NKFIH K 135179 project, researcher. PI: Harangi Szabolcs. Title: From crystal mush to volcanic eruption.

2023-2024: ÚNKP-23-3-II project. Title: Petrogenesis of young (<60 ka) lava domes of Ciomadul and comparison with explosive products of the same eruption epoch – Lookout for the effusive-explosive transition.

2021-2022: ÚNKP-21-3 project. Title: The role of magma with high water content in the rejuvenation of dormant volcanoes.

Study trips
2023: Erasmus+ Short Term Doctoral Mobility Program – New Zealand
Membership of scientific and professional organizations
2021-: Hungarian Geological Society, Youth Committee, secretary
2021-: EGU, member
2021-: IAVCEI, member
2019-: Hungarian Geological Society, member
2015-2022: Eötvös Loránd Student Chapter of the Society of Economic Geologists, member
Research grants, scholarships
2023-2024: ÚNKP-23-3-II New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology from the source of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund 12-month long scholarship
2023: Erasmus+ Short Term Doctoral Mobility Program – New Zealand
2021-2022: ÚNKP-21-3 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology from the source of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund 5-month long scholarship
2022: 1st award (oral session) at the 12th Assembly of Petrology and Geochemistry, Miskolc, Hungary
2021: Pál Kriván Medallion of the Hungarian Geological Society
Prizes won at scientific competitions
2022: 1st award at the National Scientific Students' Associations Conference, Earth Science and Mathematics Session
2020: 3rd award at the ELTE Geology Scientific Students' Associations Conference
2020: Audience award at the ELTE Geology Scientific Students' Associations Conference
Selected publications of the last 5 years

Cserép B., Szemerédi M., Harangi Sz., Saskia E., Bachmann O., Dunkl I., Seghedi I., Mészáros K., Kovács Z., Virág A., Ntaflos T., Schiller D., Kata M. & Lukács R. (2023): Constraints on the pre-eruptive magma storage conditions and magma evolution of the 56–30 ka explosive volcanism of Ciomadul (East Carpathians, Romania), CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY 178, 96.,

Seghedi I., Lukács R., Soós I., Guillong M., Bachmann O., Cserép B. & Harangi Sz. (2023). Magma evolution in a complex geodynamic setting, South Harghita volcanic area, East-Central Europe: Constraints from magma compositions and zircon petrochronology. LITHOS 442, 107059.,

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