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Réka Lukács (Réka Haranginé Lukács)

Lukács Réka
Senior Research Fellow
lukacs.reka [at]
reka.harangi [at]
HUN-REN CSFK FGI, Room No. 312
Place and date of birth
Budapest, 1978
2002: Diploma in Geology (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science)
2001: Hungarian-English Translator of Geology (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science)
2010: PhD in Earth Sciences (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science). Title: Petrogenesis of the Miocene Si-rich pyroclastic rocks of the Bükkalja: magma reservoir processes
2013: MTA-ELTE Volcanology Research Group, researcher
2012-2013: Secretariat of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2004-2012: Maternity leave
Language knowledge
english, advanced proficiency
german, basic proficiency
Main fields of research
zircon geochronology and chemistry, igneous geochemistry, petrogenesis, tephrochronology, Si-rich volcanic rocks
Research projects

2024-2027: NKFIH K 145905 project, principal investigator. Title: The largest volcanic eruptions of the Pannonian Basin: timescale, origin of magmas and correlation on borehole and outcrop samples.

2022-2023: New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ÚNKP-20-5; Bolyai+). Title: Zircon perspective studies in the volcanic rocks of the South Harghita. 

2021-2022: New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ÚNKP-20-5; Bolyai+). Title: Zircons containing aluminium in the Miocene volcanic rocks of the Pannonian basin.

2020-2021: New National Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology (ÚNKP-20-5; Bolyai+). Title: Lithostratigraphic units of the Hungarian Miocene silicic pyroclastic rocks.

2020-2024: NKFIH K 135179 project, senior researcher. Title: From crystal mush to volcanic eruption (PI: Harangi Szabolcs)

2019-2023: NKFIH FK 131869 project, principal investigator. Title: Silicic volcanism in the Pannonian Basin from source to surface: geochronological, volcanological and petrogenetic characteristics.

2017-2018: OMAA 98öu12 project, principal investigator. Title: Korrelation miozäner Vulkanite aus Ungarn mit vulkanischen Ablagerungen in Österreich und Tschechien.

2016-2019: OTKA 116528 project, senior researcher. Title: Consortional main: REvPAMS: an integrated REsearch of a volcano with Potentially Active Magma Storage, the youngest volcano (Ciomadul, E Carpathians) of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region.

2016-2019: Postdoctoral Excellence Program (PD_16; 121048), principal investigator. Title: Understanding the magma evolution and eruption chronology based on combined U-Pb dating, Hf isotope and trace element characteristics of zircons in silicic volcanic rocks of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region.

2015-2018: OTKA PD 112584 project, principal investigator. Title: Origin and evolution of the Miocene silicic magmatism in the Pannonian basin primarily based on textural and compositional characteristics of zircon from the Bükkalja ignimbrites.

2015-2018: OTKA PD 112584 project, principal investigator. Title: Origin and evolution of the Miocene silicic magmatism in the Pannonian basin primarily based on textural and compositional characteristics of zircon from the Bükkalja ignimbrites.

2014-2017: Magyary Zoltán Postdoctoral Fellowship (University of Szeged, Department of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrology; MTA-ELTE Volcanology Research Group).

2012-2014: OTKA K81530 project, researcher. Title: Miocene-Pliocene deformation and sedimentation of the Pannonian Basin: constraints from structural, sedimentological and geochronological studies.

2003-2004: Marie Curie Fellowship, University of Vienna (Institute of Mineralogy and Crystallography, HPMT-GH-00-00138-05).

Membership of scientific and professional organizations
2021-2024: Elected member of the Committee on Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2021-2024: Elected board member of the Hungarian Geological Society
2021-2026: Elected member of the Hungarian Young Academy
2020: President of the Magmatic and Metamorphic Subcommission of Stratigraphic Commission of Hungary
2018-2021: Board member of the Community Education Section of Hungarian Geological Society
2017-2020: Secretary of the Petrology Subgcommittee of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2015-2018: Board member of the Community Education Section of Hungarian Geological Society
2007-2012: Secretary of the Stratigraphic Commission of Hungary, Magmatic Subcommission
2009-2011: Secretary of the Youth Committee of Hungarian Geological Society
2006-2009: Member of the advisory board, secretary of the Youth Foundation of Hungarian Geological Society
1997: Member of the Hungarian Geological Society
Conference organization
2022: XII. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés (Assembly of Petrology and Geochemistry), organizer
2021: XI. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés (Assembly of Petrology and Geochemistry), organizer
2019: X. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés (Assembly of Petrology and Geochemistry), Chief organizer
2014: V. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés (Assembly of Petrology and Geochemistry), Chief organizer
2010: I. Kőzettani és Geokémiai Vándorgyűlés (Assembly of Petrology and Geochemistry), Chief organizer
Research grants, scholarships
2024-2027: NKFIH K Research Grant (145905)
2022-2023: ÚNKP Bolyai+ Fellowship
2022-2023: MTA KGYNK Program (Found for researchers having children under 14 years); 1. category
2021-2022: ÚNKP Bolyai+ Fellowship
2020-2021: ÚNKP Bolyai+ Fellowship
22020-2023: Bolyai János Research Fellowship
2019-2023: NKFIH FK Research Grant (131869)
2017-2018: Austrian-Hungarian Action Foundation, 1 year Research Grant (98öu12)
2016-2019: Postdoctoral Excellence Program (PD_16)
2014-2017: Bolyai János Research Fellowship
2014-2018: OTKA PD Research Grant (112584)
2013-2014: Magyary Zoltán Postdoctoral Fellowship
2003-2004: Marie Curie Fellowship (HPMT-GH-00-00138-05)
2021: Szepesházy Kálmán Award (MFT)
2018: Szádeczky-Kardoss Elemér Award
2006: Szádeczky-Kardoss Elemér Award, II. grade
2001, 2002: Award as Outstanding Student of the Faculty of Science (ELTE TTK)
2001: Award of the Geological Institute of Hungary
2001: Award of the Foundation for the Higher Education and Research of Hungary
2001: II. Award of the Environmental Ministry of Hungary
2000, 2001: Grant of the Hungarian Republic
Prizes won at scientific competitions
2001: I. award, XXV. Hungarian Student Scientific Conference (Pécs, Hungary)
2000: I. award, Eötvös University, Faculty of Science Student Scientific Conference
Eötvös Loránd University: Geochemistry practice (BSc), Geoparks and geotourism (BSc), Geochemical calculations (MSc), Isotope geochronology (MSc), Advances in isotope geochronology (PhD), in English and Hungarian
International connections

Magmatic Petrology and Volcanology Group, Department of Earth Sciences, ETH, Zürich

Croatian Geological Survey

Selected publications of the last 5 years

Brlek M., Tapster S.R., Schindlbeck-Belo J., Gaynor S. P., Kutterolf S., Hauff F., Georgiev S.V., Trinajstić N., Suica S., Brčić V., Wang K.-L., Lee H.Y., Beier C., Abersteiner A.B., Mišur I., Peytcheva I., Kukoč D., Németh B., Trajanova M., Balen D., Guillong M., Szymanowski D. & Lukács R. (2023): Tracing widespread Early Miocene ignimbrite eruptions and petrogenesis at the onset of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region silicic volcanism. GONDWANA RESEARCH 116, pp. 40-60.,

Lukács R., Guillong M., Bachmann O., Fodor L. & Harangi Sz. (2021): Tephrostratigraphy and Magma Evolution Based on Combined Zircon Trace Element and U-Pb Age Data: Fingerprinting Miocene Silicic Pyroclastic Rocks in the Pannonian Basin. FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE 9, 615768.,

Lukács R., Caricchi L., Schmitt A.K., Bachmann O., Karakas O., Guillong M., Molnár K., Seghedi I. & Harangi Sz. (2021): Zircon geochronology suggests a long-living and active magmatic system beneath the Ciomadul volcanic dome field (eastern-central Europe). EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS 565, 116965.,

Molnár K., Lukács R., Dunkl I., Schmitt A.K., Kiss B., Seghedi I., Szepesi J. & Harangi Sz. (2019): Episodes of dormancy and eruption of the Late Pleistocene Ciomadul volcanic complex (Eastern Carpathians, Romania) constrained by zircon geochronology. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 373, pp. 133-147.,

Lukács R., Harangi Sz., Guillong M., Bachmann O., Fodor L., Buret Y., Dunkl I., Sliwinski J., von Quadt A., Peytcheva I. & Zimmerer M. (2018): Early to Mid-Miocene synextensional massive silicic volcanism in the Pannonian Basin (East-Central Europe): Eruption chronology, correlation potential and geodynamic implications. EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS 179, pp. 1-19.,

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