CVS comes to Hungary

The Commission on Volcanogenic Sediments ( is proud to organize the First International School on Volcaniclastic Sedimentation - CVS goes to Hungary. The school will be held in Hungary from the 7th to the 11th of April 2025, in collaboration with the MTA–HUN-REN CSFK Lendület "Momentum" PannonianVolcano Research Group.
It will bring a group of 10 to 25 people from Budapest to the Pannonian Basin in the Mátra and Bükk Mountains, where sedimentation processes and architectures were strongly influenced by Miocene volcanism. This 5-day field excursion in the Hungarian countryside offers the opportunity to visit great exposures of thick volcano-sedimentary sequences and to discuss how to approach the study of volcaniclastic sequences from a field to a laboratory micro-analytical perspective. More information and the complete program are available at