This year the 15th Assembly of Petrology and Geochemistry is organised by the research group in collaboration with Slovakian colleagues. The international conference will take place from 2 to 4 October 2025 in Nagybörzsöny, Hungary. More details here:
The Commission on Volcanogenic Sediments ( is proud to organize the First International School on Volcaniclastic Sedimentation - CVS goes to Hungary. The school will be held in Hungary from the 7th to the 11th of April 2025, in collaboration with the MTA–HUN-REN CSFK Lendület "Momentum" PannonianVolcano Research Group.
Several students associated with the group gave excellent presentations at the ELTE TTK 2024 Scientific Students' Associations Conference (known as TDK).
Our 3rd year BSc student Kende Szűcs won the 2nd prize in the BSc presentations category with his TDK thesis “Noble gas isotopic composition of olivine phenocrysts of the Miocene-Pliocene alkaline basalts in the Carpathian-Pannonian region”.
Margaréta Gazsi, a 3rd year BSc student, presented her work entitled “Zircon U-Pb geochronology and volcanology of the pryroclastic rocks of the Gelénes-1 borehole (Hungary)”.
The leaders of the 2024 Momentum research teams were presented with their certificates of support and the newly formed research groups made their introductions. The video available here shows from 1:02 onwards the presentation of Réka Lukács on the MTA–HUN-REN CSFK Lendület "Momentum" PannonianVolcano Research Group.